How to become an FM WORLD member?

FM WORLD Club is a global network of Business Partners who act worldwide to sell high quality FM WORLD products, such as: perfumes, body & face care cosmetics, make-up, household cleaning products, coffee, teas and food supplements.

As a Member of FM WORLD Club you act independently and take your own decisions. It is up to YOU how much money you want to make.

You buy products at the discounted price and sell them at the market price. This way you earn on margin and additionaly get more discount for next purchases.

You can go further and develop your sales network and be remunerated based on our Marketing Plan which is a detailed description of rules and guidance on your career at FM WORLD. The bigger and more effective is your network, the bigger the group turnover and thus your own salary.

How does it work? Just follow the three simple steps!

  1. Register online at FM WORLD Distribution*

  2. Buy products in our Online shop.

  3. Wait for your delievery at your coutry of destination

* Please remember that if there is a FM WORLD Branch in your country of residence, you shall register via that Branch Office. The list of FM WORLD Offices is available here.

How to become an FM WORLD member?

It is easy and free to join!

You have 2 choices:

  • User,who buys at Business Partner prices, saving yourself money on your own purchases and keeping the profit for yourself when you sell to your customers at catalogue prices.

    You can't get a commsion from a Sales Team as a user. Instead of this you get a Trade Discount for next purchases. However, you can upgrade to SELLER status at any time!.

  • Seller, who joins as a COMPANY and not only can purchase products and collect points for shopping but also recruit new members/build the sale structure and make additional profit out of it.

It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.


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